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Salt River Picnic Areas with Dan Bohlmann

March 22, 2022 @ 6:30 am - 2:00 pm

Salt River Picnic Areas
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Leader: Dan Bohlmann
This birding trip is in the area on the East side of the valley west of Sahuaro Lake along the old Bush Highway. There are several picnic sites along the river that have trees and overlooks of the river that normally provide great views of lots of birds this time of year. About 25 years ago I was on a Maricopa Audubon trip at one of those picnic spots and the trees there were filled with warblers – ten different types. But things have changed a lot since then with a lot fewer warblers migrating through these days. Also with the increased temperatures the migration normal time has changed somewhat but I’m still hopeful that we will see some migraters. Along and in the river we usually see Great Blue Herons, Great and Snowy Egrets, Bald Eagles, Belted Kingfishers, several types of Hawks and Swallows. In the picnic area trees are also Vermilion Flycatchers. Red-naped Sapsuckers, Lesser Goldfinches, Cardinals, Verdins, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and Plumbeous Vireos. We may even stop at several places at Sahuaro Lake if we have time.
Meeting Spots: For those that live in the Sun City Area plan to meet at the Burger King on the south side of Thunderbird just east of the 101 freeway at 6:30 am. I live near 39th and Thunderbird so I’m not sure whether I will meet there to organize car pools or ask someone else from Sun City to do that. The 2nd meeting spot will be at the west side of the Denny’s at I17 and the south side of Bell road at 7:00 am. I will meet anyone else that would like to come there. We will meet at a 3rd spot to further reduce the number of cars. That will be at the Denny’s in Fountain Hills which is on the right as Shea Blvd gets into town. It is about 2 or 3 traffic lights down the line at a traffic light on the SW corner. We should be there around 8 to 8:30 am depending on how heavy the traffic is.
Bring a lunch since we will stay until around 2 pm. The trip difficulty will be a 2 which means around a mile of level walking. The Federal Senior Pass in the windshield will cover the parking fee at all the different stopping spots.
If you would like to attend email dansbohlmann@prodigy.net and let me know which of the two starting spots you would like to meet the group at and whether you can drive or not. If you need to contact me before the trip my home phone is 602 938-8244. The day of the trip contact my cell phone at 602 451-3260.


March 22, 2022
6:30 am - 2:00 pm
Event Category: