(Left-click to enlarge the photo. Right-click to open in a new tab.)

Ross's Goose, Canada Goose, Snow Goose, Ross's Goose; Photo: Bob McCormick

Snow Goose; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Greater White-fronted Goose; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Canada Goose, Greater White-fronted Goose, Ring-necked Duck, Mallard, Great-tailed Grackle; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Canada Goose; Photo: Bob McCormick

Cackling Goose, Canada Goose; Photo: Bob McCormick

Domestic Goose; Photo: Bob McCormick

Wood Duck; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Northern Shoveler; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

American Wigeon; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

American Wigeon; Photo: Bob McCormick

American Wigeon; Photo: Bob McCormick

American Wigeon; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Eurasian Wigeon; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Eurasian Wigeon; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Mallard; Photo: Bob McCormick

Mallard; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Northern Pintail; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Canvasback; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Canvasback; Photo: Bob McCormick

Canvasback; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Ring-necked Duck; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Ring-necked Duck; Photo: Bob McCormick

Ring-necked Duck; Photo: Bob McCormick

Ring-necked Duck; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Buffledhead; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Hooded Merganser; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Hooded Merganser; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Common Merganser; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Common Merganser; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Common Merganser; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Common Merganser; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Ruddy Duck; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Ruddy Duck; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Domestic Duck "Herman"; Photo: Bob McCormick

Domestic Duck, Domestic Goose; Photo: Bob McCormick

Gambel's Quail; Photo: Vera Markham

Gambel's Quail; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Gambel's Quail; Photo: Vera Markham

Gambel's Quail; Photo: Vera Markham

Gambel's Quail; Photo: Vera Markham

Eared Grebe; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Doubled-crested Cormorant; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

American White Pelican; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

American White Pelican; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

American White Pelican, Ring-billed Gull; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Great Blue Heron; Photo: Bob McCormick

Great Blue Heron; Photo: Bob McCormick

Great Blue Heron; Photo: Bob McCormick

Great Blue Heron; Photo: Bob McCormick

Great Egret; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Great Egret, Snowy Egret; Photo: Bob McCormick

Black-crowned Night Heron; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Black-crowned Night Heron; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Black-crowned Night Heron; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Black-crowned Night Heron; Photo: Bob McCormick

Black-crowned Night Heron; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

White-faced Ibis; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

White-faced Ibis; Photo: Vera Markham

White-faced Ibis; Photo: Bob McCormick

White-faced Ibis; Photo: Bob McCormick

Roseate Spoonbill; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Turkey Vulture; Photo: Bob McCormick

Turkey Vulture; Photo: Bob McCormick

Turkey Vulture; Photo: Bob McCormick

Osprey; Photo: Kathy Dashiell

Osprey; Photo: Kathy Dashiell